My Dean has been there for me. I've played it on Oceanfronts, Indian reservations; while laughing, crying, and stoned out of my mind. Regrettably the latter. But it was time to move on. (Small tear)
After much anticipation, and a bit of luck (e-bay), I've been blessed with a new Martin 00-15, seen above. It will be my last "nice" guitar. I look forward to taking it on new journeys and finally getting serious with my music.
I'm thinking I'll post some lyrics for folks to check out and gain some constructive criticism. While I run the risk complete embarrassment, I doubt anyone could me more critical than I already am of my little creations. "Played it til my fingers bled" - Frank
nice. you can give your old guitar to jacob and teach him to play - jacob and eli and jackson can start up a kid band. ;-) you have played on an indian reservation? gonna have to hear that story.
Zac is going to be so jealous. You'll have to let him come over some time and play with your new toy. We want to have a "welcome to our home" bbq in the next few weeks... details to come.
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