Monday, April 14, 2008

The Guitar is Dead, Long Live the Guitar!

I began playing guitar when I was 15. My Dad had a nice classical guitar that I played first, along with a book and his Beatles albums. I was then bequeathed my Grandpa's acoustic, which lasted until then end of high school. I've since had an Ovation, a Gibson Chet Atkins Solid Body Acoustic Guitar (which I pawned after owing the government money I had stolen - seriously) and later a Dean.

My Dean has been there for me. I've played it on Oceanfronts, Indian reservations; while laughing, crying, and stoned out of my mind. Regrettably the latter. But it was time to move on. (Small tear)

After much anticipation, and a bit of luck (e-bay), I've been blessed with a new Martin 00-15, seen above. It will be my last "nice" guitar. I look forward to taking it on new journeys and finally getting serious with my music.

I'm thinking I'll post some lyrics for folks to check out and gain some constructive criticism. While I run the risk complete embarrassment, I doubt anyone could me more critical than I already am of my little creations. "Played it til my fingers bled" - Frank

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Under The Sun?

I've received several complaints regarding not blogging enough, so here goes:
I've been reluctant to post anything as I've been consumed with work these last couple of weeks, and don't feel I have much to update anyone on. But there's always current events and personal feelings, so I'll try a bit of both.

Current Events:
I saw on the news, that depending on what number is in the little Recycle triangle on our plastic bottles, numbers 3, 6, and 7 will most likely mutate us and lead to certain death - I'm not making this up - Google it. So yeah, look our for those (I think those are the right numbers at least). If I ran the factory -I'd have a whole team of guys changing all the 3's into 8's. Yeah, that would save the company!

What else... how about this transsexual pregnant he-she? what in the world?
you've read "Timmy has two Mommies"; well I'm already writing, "Johnny's Daddy looks like a Mommy and he gave birth to Johnny, but it's cool, cause she takes him fishing".

And I thought Brittney's kid might be screwed up.

Random Topic Change:
I'm thankful the weather's finally turned for the better. I've got to regrow the lawn so Jacob has somewhere to play. It's pretty bad right now: lawn-pattern-baldness. He loves being out there though, and pitches a fit when it's time to go inside. He's had cabin fever big time, so spring's just in time. I'm excited to have another son. I really like being a Dad, and a non transsexual one at that.

Today was exciting as I saw a 4-D ultrasound of our new child , due June 2nd. Technology is amazing: I have on a disk - photos and video footage of my baby yawning in the womb. For the full story and photos, see Christine's blog. Sometimes, and only sometimes, working in the Ob/Gyn office has it's perks.

Speaking of offices, I've inherited this horrendous office. It has two windows which is sweet, but it also has this Flower and Roman Column wallpaper that's pink and brown...puke! The lady in there before me must've sat around imagining she was a Roman goddess or something. Elvis pictures are on the'll be worth the wait.

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken,
